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Selecting the perfect programming language is the main priority in a dynamic environment to succeed. It is essential for companies and developers alike to offer their clients great knowledge. The circumstances have become very complex for developers to select one language over the other to create reliable and efficient applications. Developers are up-to-date with emerging algorithms and can easily deal with continuously changing mechanisms.
The latest languages in the technological industry are Go, a Google-based multi-paradigm system Programming language, and Rust, a multi-paradigm system programming language. Both of these languages have several similarities such as both of them are popularly known as “Languages” tools.
While there may be similarities, Go and Rust also has a major deal of differences, But, don’t worry if you are confused about which language to for. In this article, we will talk about both languages separately and will also draw a comparison between these languages.
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The programming language is open source, making it easier to create simple, effective, and robust software. Go is articulate, precise, smooth, and effective. The concurrency processes come in handy to write programs that use all of the multi-core and networked machines, while the novel type system allows versatile and modular construction of programs.
Golang compiles swiftly to machine code and has the comfort of garbage collection and the strength to represent on run-time. It’s a quick, statically typed, compiled language that starts to feel like an interpreted language and dynamically typed.
A secure, concurrent, functional language. Rust is a programming language for systems that integrates strong compile-time correctness guarantees with better reliability. Providing guaranteed memory security (no crashes, no data races) and full control over the memory lifecycle, enhances the concepts of other system languages like C++. That being said, Rust language is pretty much simple to understand and one can learn it in just 5 minutes.
According to a survey, Golang came out to be the most preferred language by the respondents.
Now that we have developed a basic idea of both languages, let’s have a Rust vs Go comparison to better understand the similarities and differences in these languages.
Go and Rust has a lot of things in common with each other. Both are among today’s modern programming languages and are commonly used by a lot of young programmers. (Most of today’s other common languages are significantly older, such as C, Java, and Python.)
Go and Rust are compiled languages, open-source, and both are designed for modern, parallel computing environments that are micro-services-oriented.
Lastly, both of them are pretty simple to understand if you know C++ already.
The one factor that tips the scales for Rust in the comparison of Rust vs. Go is efficiency. The programs were built to run with C++ and C equivalents.
Whereas on the other side, Go automates the functions with a convenient runtime speed. But Go’s speed of development stays a bit behind Rust’s elevated performance in terms of the Rust vs. Go Performance comparison.
While the output of Rust is superior to Go, the former tends to lag in compilation speed, whereas Go is quick. But, sometimes people wouldn’t bother about the compiling time, so in the overall results, Rust is the chosen one.
The speed of development is far more crucial than the program’s speed. a vivid proof of this can be seen in the situation of Python, which is not among the fastest to run but the quickest to write software. Go is on the same lines. It is quicker than a range of languages on the market due to the simplicity and incisiveness it offers.
Rust, on the contrary, comes with more flexibility and features, so it requires time to understand. The compilation speed is longer than Go’s. And it would be easier to pick Go than Rust if you want a shorter development cycle.
Applications these days are mostly networked and distributed. Therefore, languages that are working around these factors are way behind in the race. Developers should be capable of executing activities independently and sharing task status with one another minus the chance of data manipulation.
Now that concurrency has been implemented into Golang’s syntax from the start, Rust lately obtained the native syntax in the form of async/.await, But although Rust’s concurrency is lacking the developer expertise behind Go, it compensates for Rust’s memory stability.
Rust utilizes a compile-time ownership strategy with zero-cost abstraction for memory management. It would not be capable of passing the compilation stage if the Rust program is not a memory-safe program.
Whereas when talking about Golang, it gets fully automated during the run-time. In simpler terms, when writing code, programmers do not have to worry about removing or assigning memory.
Parameter | Rust | Golang |
Origin | Developer: Mozilla Research | Developer: The Go Authors |
Latest Version | Version 1.49.0 (Updated Dec 31, 2020) | go1.15 (Updated Aug 11, 2020) |
Performance | Performs exceptionally great. Faster than Swift programming language. | Lacks in performance when compared to RUST programming language. |
Ease of Use | Simple to use with zero-cost runtime abstractions. | Easy to use and handle. |
Ease of Learning | Developers can learn it without putting in a lot of effort. | It gives access to an entire documentation and has a large community of users. |
Interoperability with legacy code | RUST can interface code at higher levels, such as directly communicating with external keywords with C libraries and by calling libc “crate” libraries. RUST does not ensure security for memory or thread. | Interoperability comes with a speed overhead. The cgo package for working with C is offered by Go. Since Go is memory-managed and garbage-collected, it must be checked that any pointers passed to C are properly handled. |
Rust is a little tricky to figure out and work with and is more focused on developing applications with a limited scope where the only thing that is important is security. Go, on the other hand, is perfect for building applications where you are not just focused on security, but also on a number of other parameters, which is possibly your aim if you are a DevOps team that aims to develop a scalable, extensible application or system.
It is worth mentioning that Go is tremendously popular amongst programmers in today’s time. Go is ranked as the 15th most popular programming language by the TIOBE Index, whereas Rust ranks in 34th place. Languages that are popular have some amazing advantages over languages that are not so popular. Other developers have better knowledge about those, so exchanging code or recruiting members to your team becomes simpler. Also, these popular languages usually have better support, documentation, and plugins for the community as well.
Since they originated in the very same time period, both languages are considered to be each other’s competitors. The development of Golang is faster than that of Rust. For its versatility and enhanced programming experience, Golang is well recognized and is quite popular. This makes working in big teams more efficient and cost-effective for Golang.
We may burrow deeper into both languages, analyzing both facets of the comparison between Go and Rust, but the overall response to the comparison between Rust and Go will be decided on the basis of development and business goals. While the competition continues, each language has its own advantages and disadvantages. There will be times when Rust would be better and other times when people might prefer using Go.
Have any questions or confusion about which language to go for? Drop in comments or email us at and we will solve all your queries.
Ans- For all of the tested algorithms, the most optimized Rust code was at least 30 percent faster than the most optimized Go code, and in many cases, it was significantly more; for the binary-trees benchmark, the most optimized Rust code was 12 times faster than the most optimized Go code!
Ans- Go's rich standard library and easy concurrency make standing-up HTTP servers or other networked services simple and easy. Go is also faster, safer, and less memory intensive than most of the legacy competition. For example, Go is less memory intensive than Java and C#, faster than Python and Ruby, and safer than C++.
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