Codesera helps tech companies extend their engineering teams by leveraging a network of 20,000+ vetted contractors from hundreds of development agencies across the world. Add a Codersera developer to your team and experience the difference.
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Our freelancerswork with the best :
William Dawson
Seattle, Washington, United States
Daniell Smith
Meldorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Lucas White
Yerevan, Armenia
Choose among the pool of the Top 1% of Remote Developers with experience expertise in top technologies and working experience with both Small and Enterprise Clients to upscale your project. Choose among the pool of the Top 1% of Remote Developers with experience in cutting-edge technologies and working experience with both small and enterprise clients. Read more
We try to make this process as agile as your business. You can scale your Coderseral team up or down within a matter of days.
We offer accurate, high-quality code that meets industry standards.
Carry out your operations with the best chosen ones.Carry out your operations
Carry out your operations with the best chosen ones.
Our developers match your time zone and work accordingly to your workday.
Our Developers are excellent communicators who can proactively take ownership of businesses and products.
Explore our engagement models to recruit developers for your project. Explore the engagement modes we provide, to hire developers for your project.
Hire contractor to work exclusively with your team while being on codersera payroll
Hire contractor who can work/overlook your team in his spare time being on our payroll
Hire employee for your company from handpicked pre screened and shortlisted profiles
Codersera helps in hiring remote Angular developers globally.
Codersera remote developers are highly skilled and trained to work in remote environments with Agile and Scrum methodology and have experience working with the majority of project management tools like Jira, Asana, Zoom, Slack, Teams, Rocket Chat, Trello, Clubhouse, etc.
React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies.
Hire React.JS Experts >Node.js is an open-source server environment. Node.js is cross-platform and runs on Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS. Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment.
Hire Node.JS Experts >Angular is a TypeScript-based, free and open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.
Hire Angular Experts >Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation.
Hire Python Experts >Henry Russel
Project LeadThe professionalism at Codersera has truly impressed me from the moment I first made contact with them through the entire interview process and landing my first job. Instead of focusing on my resume or years of experience, Codersera extensively examined my abilities. They graded not only my programming prowess but also my capacity for clear communication and project delivery. I quickly found my first job, which I absolutely loved, after being accepted. Where I now reside, I would not be able to find a job that is comparable, but Codersera makes that irrelevant.
Chris Smith
CEO of NeoGenomics LaboratoriesI was able to get more out of my work as a software developer because of the internet and Codersera. Working with individuals from other cultures is gratifying and motivating. Starting to work remotely at this point in time is unprecedented in history.
Kathy Chao
Program ManagerCodersera taught me that, contrary to what many others had advised me, working as a freelancer need not be a financially and emotionally draining experience. I realised that it was possible to work steadily on interesting projects for considerate clients without having to continuously move between the roles of salesperson, accountant, debt collector, and whatever else it is you actually do. I didn't have to spread myself too thin between support activities and could spend my time doing what I did best.
Matthew Walter
Senior System EngineerWe at Codersera will help you hire the most talented remote developers worldwide.
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