
Top 5 Malware Removal Tools

Top 5 Malware Removal Tools

Nowadays, people use multiple online platforms to search for and use different software according to their needs. It may meet you with the villain of your system Mr. Malware. Technically, malware is known as a computer virus that harms your system and its data.

It’s important to shield your system from such threats that protect your data getting from hacking because for every organization as well as for individuals, privacy is the priority, and to secure their data it is important to use advanced and protective anti-malware.

Why do systems need to be protected?

You have heard about cyber-crimes or you may also have lost important data because of corrupted files and experienced difficulty in the data recovery process. In extremely unfortunate cases, others may have been victims of hacked accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Each way, the results of data loss or viral attacks were not pleasant. Below you’ll find the top five anti-malware software.

What is Malware (Computer virus)?

Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user, Malware authors use a variety of physical and virtual means to spread malware that can infect your devices and networks. Types of malware can include Computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware. These malicious programs can perform a variety of different functions such as stealing, encrypting, or deleting sensitive data, altering or highjacking core computing functions, and monitoring users' computer activity without their knowledge.

Types of Malware

Types of Malware
Types of Malware

Trojan horse code:-

It is among the easiest to execute and most commonly known malware. Trojan horse code gains entry into the target while disguised as a necessary download or update. It then captures, modifies, or destroys the intended data – like system passwords.


These codes get into the host system for spying on the user’s computer or web activity. It can be used for businesses by spying on their competitors, and also for political opponents or employers to monitor their employee’s computer activity.


Intended to gain access to sensitive data which cyber-criminals demand payment not to publish or to destroy if not paid a ransom for the data.


Disguised in the form of annoying advertisement pop-ups that the computer user needs to click to get rid of them. Often redirects the user into more clicking to get rid of the repetitive pop-ups.


Intended to corrupt a network of machines globally or in an intended target organization to perform several functions such as stealing data or blocking certain keywords/articles/content from being visible on search engines.

Wiper malware:-

It is intended to delete or completely wipe out the intended target’s sensitive data so that the user cannot gain access.

Other malware/codes include computer worms, scareware, cryptocurrency mining malware, and computer viruses.

Top 5 Malware Removal Tools

1. Avast-free antivirus

Avast antivirus is an internet security application developed by Avast for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It is a free and proprietary version that provides computer security, browser security, antispyware, antivirus software, firewall, anti-phishing, and anti-spam services to its users. Since 2017, it is the most popular antivirus in the market and also has a large share market for antivirus applications.

Avast Antivirus

Let’s discuss its products and their benefits, and also study why it is best for your device.

For Microsoft Windows products

  • Avast Free Antivirus:
    It is free for home and non-commercial usage that includes an antivirus, password manager, and WiFi security scanner. As well a its one-year registration and provides advertisements for more Avast products to secure your device.
  • Avast Pro Antivirus:
    For your PC or home use, this product of Avast is really useful as it includes all the features of the free version with more advanced features and the additional of SafeZone Browser, Sandbox, and Secure DNS. Avast Pro Antivirus doesn’t need any registration but it requires a license or activation code.
  • Avast Internet Security:
    This security product is an updated version that contains all the features of Avast Pro with the addition of a firewall and Anti-spam. It also does not require any registration but needs a code to activate and secure your devices.
  • Avast Premier:
    It comes with all the advanced features of Avast Internet Security with its upgrade version of a data shredder, you can access it from anywhere, and an automatic software updater that automatically updates your Personal computer.
  • Avast Ultimate:
    This product of Avast provides the user Password premium, Secure-line VPN, Cleanup in a one-year amount, and Avast premier feature which is helpful to PC users to operate this and secure their systems.

macOS Products

  • Avast Free Mac security:
    An antivirus for Apple Macintosh computers operating macOS based on a central virus-scanning daemon that offers three shields, on-demand scanning, and WebRep clients which are automatically installed to UC Browser, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox browsers.

Mobile products (Android)

  • Avast Mobile Security and Antivirus:
    It is a free app for android users also, to secure their Phone details and accounts on Facebook or Gmail. This mobile security includes a firewall, app lock, a virus scanner, virus removal, protector, network meter, app manager, and rooted phones. An unlimited package of security.
  • Avast Mobile Premium:
    Premium app for use on Android devices. Includes the features found in the free app plus app locking, geofencing, remote SMS, data recovery, Anti Theft and identification, and extended backup.

[Important] Avast programs are only accessible to internet-connected devices and are available in 45 languages.

2. Malwarebytes Anti-malware

It is an anti-malware software for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS that finds and removes malware. Made by Malwarebytes Corporation, it was first released in January 2006. It is available in both versions free as well as paid with added functions. The free version scans for and removes malware when started manually, and a paid version additionally provides scheduled scans, real-time protection, and a flash-memory scanner.


Malwarebytes is available in both a free and a premium paid version:

The free version can be run manually by the user when desired, whereas the paid version can perform scheduled scans, automatically scan files when opened, block IP addresses of malicious websites, and scan only those services, programs, and device drivers that are currently in use.

It come-up with deep scans and this is the most powerful malware scanner with daily updates. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should be your first port of call if you suspect a malware infection. And this daily update helps it to identify and remove new threats. Also available for free, and along with Anti-Malware, is a great addition to your security toolkit.

It comes with 14 day's trial of the premium edition. Also, it returns to the basic version after two weeks. This is still a top-notch security tool and has to be activated manually.

[Important] It also has preventative tools like real-time scanning and protection from ransomware

3. AVG antivirus

AVG AntiVirus is a family of antivirus software developed by AVG Technologies, a subsidiary of Avast. All the products which are provided by AVG antivirus are known as Freemium. It is accessible for Windows, macOS, and Android. AVG is free to download, install, update as well as use but if you need any technical support you have to purchase it.

AVG AntiVirus
AVG AntiVirus

It is used for office and business purposes and to keep data safe because the software encrypts and stores files and documents onto a virtual disk on a PC which is protected by a password built by users. Also has an advanced file shredder that deletes files securely so nobody can recover them with malicious intent.

Benefits of AVG antivirus

  • Keep It Safe:
    AVG antivirus safe your data, identity, and information. Business and customer data, is one of the most important assets of corporations. When hackers and malware are there, AVG helps the data to be compromised, resulting in data breaks and disruptions of business operations. It is designed to keep important data and files safe, private, and out of the hands of hackers.
  • Protect Network and Link Scanning:
    AVG AntiVirus helps in keeping a network safe from cyber threats, making sure organizations and their employees will be able to access the Internet securely and safely. Before the webpage loads and opens in a browser, the software scans it first and shows a safety rating in the search engine results. Thus, when users click links, AVG AntiVirus informs them about anything dubious or wrong.
  • Email Protection:
    The antivirus software provides an email shield technology that automatically scans emails and removes content that contains malware or any security threats. As well as it blocks email attachments that are suspicious and dangerous to your system.
  • Powerful Mobile Security:
    AVG AntiVirus protects smartphones and tablets used by employees are protected from viruses, malware, spyware, unsafe apps & links and settings, and unwanted callers. This is because it gives an antivirus app for Android devices that can be downloaded from Google Play. Once the app is installed, it runs silently, providing users with powerful mobile protection.
  • Smart Scanner:
    Apart from keeping data, files, and networks safe, AVG AntiVirus ensures that PC devices are protected against malware and hackers. It has an advanced scanning engine that automatically scans computers when employees are not working.
  • Remote Protection:
    AVG AntiVirus provides a very attractive ability that allows administrators to remotely install and configure the software from a single location. This will be able to expand the software to all the computers on their network easily. Also, the software updates itself automatically so it can protect the devices from the latest threats with the latest version.

[Important] AVG AntiVirus has anti-spyware that prevents identity theft by detecting spyware and adware which collect personal information.

4. Windows malicious software removal tool

Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool 

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool is a freely distributed virus removal tool created by Microsoft for all Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is a free program that removes a whole host of the most popular malicious software (malware).

Many Windows users have it installed and run it monthly, yet are not aware of its existence. It’s a stealth program when things are functioning frequently you don’t see it. It is updated silently as part of Windows Update or Microsoft Update. It runs in what the company refers to as “quiet mode”, which means it doesn’t tell you anything – at least as long as it doesn’t find any malware to remove.

How does it work? After Windows downloads the newest version of the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, it will automatically run in the background. This tool checks for specific, popular types of malware and removes them if it finds them. If everything is accurate, Windows will run the tool silently in the background without interrupting you. Although it finds a virus and fixes it, the tool will display a report indicating which malicious software was detected and removed after you restart your computer.

There are many advantages to running MSRT ( Microsoft’s Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool)

  • You can opt to run a full scan rather than the default quick scan.
  • It automatically scans all the installed programs once a month, or sometimes your PC acts strangely.
  • Also, you can manually ensure that the latest version of the Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) should be installed on your PC.
  • You get an accurate warning of the virus by MSRT.

[Important] The program is usually updated on the second Tuesday of every month.

5. SpyBot- Search & Destroy


This is a popular and comprehensive internet security service that receives rid of spyware, adware, and malware. System tools and antivirus capabilities are bundled together in the sequence of business editions, which are tailored for technicians and organizations. With Spybot– Search & Destroy the browsers are immunized from threats floating around on the internet.

Spybot- codersera

At the same time, users are also given a tool that gets rid of files that tax the running memory of a system because they automatically run when you start up a computer. Tasks can run without disruptions caused by malicious files because of these preemptive measures. Information made unusable by malware can also be recovered by Spybot – Search & Destroy

Some features of Spybot are:

  • Task scheduling
  • secure file shredder
  • Boot CD creator
  • Protected Repair environment
  • Internet protection
  • Antivirus protection
  • System immunization
  • Registry repair
  • Scanner & fixer
  • No Donation Requests
  • Multiple Updates Daily
  • Multi-Core Processors Support

[Important] Version 2.4 was released in July 2014

Basic Comparison of all five Malware Removal Tools

Malware Removal ToolsInstallation TimeSpace (MB)Full Scan Time
1 Avast free antivirus4 min903 MB8 min
2 Malwarebytes Anti-malware 1 min193 MB7 min
3 AVG antivirus2 min760 MB9 min
4 Windows malicious software removal tool1 min46 MB5 min
5 SpyBot 1 min221 MB72 min


How are Malware Tools Helpful?

Antimalware can help prevent malware attacks by scanning all incoming data to prevent malware from being installed and infecting a computer. Antimalware programs can also detect advanced forms of malware and offer protection against ransomware attacks.

Can Malware Tools get rid of viruses?

here are two main types of antivirus software that can detect and remove computer viruses and malware: real-time and on-demand. A real-time malware scanner scans for viruses in the background while you're using your computer.

Are Malware Tools a part of Anti-Virus?

Antivirus software (abbreviated to AV software), also known as anti-malware, is a computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware.

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